Be a part of our work to create a fair and effective justice system for Michigan's children, youth, and young adults.

MCYJ at a Glance
The Michigan Center for Youth Justice (MCYJ) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing policies and practices that reduce confinement and support trauma-informed, racially equitable, socio-economically and culturally responsive, community-based solutions for Michigan’s justice-involved children, youth and young adults.

Justice for Kids and Communities
A monumental, comprehensive juvenile justice reform package was just signed into law.
This landmark legislation, a result of recommendations from the Michigan Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform, aims to expand funding for community-based care, eliminate the majority of juvenile court fines and fees, and expand the role of the Child Advocate to oversee investigations within juvenile justice facilities.
Help Us Uplift Juvenile Defense for Michigan's Youth
Join us in ensuring justice-impacted youth have equitable access to legal representation in the juvenile justice system. Click here to learn more about this crucial legislation!

Our Work