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The Juvenile Justice Task Force Recommendations found Michigan has no centralized structure and minimal standards, supports, or resources for juvenile public defense statewide. The absence of statewide funding has led to uneven access for youth to trained and qualified defenders. Local systems appoint counsel at different stages, which can negatively affect the outcome of a youth’s case. Research has consistently shown that their constitutional rights may not be sufficiently protected without adequate defense.

Creating Juvenile Defense Standards

In 2023, the Justice for Kids and Communities legislative package was developed due to the Task Force’s recommendations and assessment of Michigan’s juvenile justice system. House Bill 4630 was a key component of this package, but did not advance out of the Michigan State Senate.
What’s the solution?

The passage of House Bill 4630 (Rep. Lightner, R-45) can ensure Michigan’s children have consistent access to quality indigent defense services.

Sign A Letter!

A powerful way to use your voice in support of youth justice is by sending a letter to your local legislators! This action takes less than five minutes, and can have incredible impact on justice-involved young people and their families. We encourage you to sign a letter in support today!

​​House Bill 4630 enables the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC) to incorporate protections for children impacted by the juvenile justice system. It requires aligning current standards and developing new standards with specific considerations for youth representation in the juvenile justice system. This includes requirements for specialized training for youth counsel. This legislation also adds a member with youth expertise to the MIDC. 

It is essential to underscore that the bill does not mandate immediate appropriation of funds for the MIDC to provide youth services. Creating a juvenile defense system will take care, time, and collaboration. As with creating the adult defense system, MIDC will work closely with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and the State Budget Office to ensure effective implementation pacing. Amends titles & secs. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, & 23 of 2013 PA 93 (MCL 780.983 et seq.).


Do you want to get involved in transforming Michigan’s juvenile justice system?


  • Sign and Share this letter of support. 

  • Read up on the legislation and consequences our youth and families face without adequate defense services. 

  • Review results from MCYJ’s state-wide registered poll focused on juvenile defense.​


Questions? Please reach out to Policy Director, Jen Peacock, at

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